
Community Explorer
Jan 16, 2023 11:49:37 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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ok. that's what I thought. I was hoping for a bulk solution, but it seems doing it individually is the only way to go.
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I had my students do a pre-course survey. It appears canvas only lets you see the results one student at a time. I have over 40 students, and you can see why this is a problem. I would like to tally t...
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@Ron_Bowman It seems like they're taking two quizzes in a row that way: the regular quiz and the 0% quiz. I just made the extra hard question worth much less that the others. So even if they were to g...
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Ok, I made a post requesting the feature. I guess it all depends on what type of file format the overlaid video quizzes are in. It's not too difficult imagine that they have to have time stamps, and a...
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Let's say you have video1part 1.mp4 an video1part2.mp4 already uploaded to canvas studio. Is there a way to merge the 2 parts?  Or for that matter, if you have a bigvideo.mp4, split them into videopar...
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Let's say you have video1part 1.mp4 an video1part2.mp4 already uploaded to canvas studio. Is there a way to merge the 2 parts?  Or for that matter, if you have a bigvideo.mp4, split them into videopar...
Aug 15, 2023 11:31:30 PM
It appears it was the license issue. Instead of telling the users the license is expired, they just throw the error. No wonder students hate this company. I reinstalled everything including the module...
Aug 12, 2023 2:19:39 PM
I'm trying to add feedbacks to my quizzes using respondus quiz maker, or its installer name respondus 4.0 campuswide, which has lost its license because i didn't get the new license for the new academ...
Aug 11, 2023 2:13:55 AM
I'm not sure how to word this. I have 6 different version of the same question sets. For instance, if I have a 10 question quiz, I have 6 versions of reworded questions, so 60 questions total. What I ...
Jul 24, 2023 10:27:05 PM

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