cant import gradebook

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When we upload our csv file we get a message saying 'there are no scores changes detected' so nothing appears in the grade book.

We've followed this thread -> 

And according to the discussion forum, removing the 'final' column should have fixed this. however this is not the case for us. We then get the error 'The CSV header row is invalid'


Please advise! 



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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hi @KM-eDL,

The original post you linked may have been a slightly different issue.  What was happening there was that they has an assignment named final, and that was causing Canvas to not import the gradebook properly because it there was a conflict between the assignment name and the final grade columns.  I don't think you should remove the actual final grade columns from your import file, as Canvas does seem to expect those to be there.  Since grades are protected info and shouldn't be shared in the community here, it's going to be very difficult for the community to help with this one, as most people here are just other Canvas users and cannot access your exact Canvas course or anything.  I'd recommend that you reach out to Canvas support directly so they can troubleshoot with you.

Hope the info helps!



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