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Is an online-only course in Canvas considered part of "single campus" as stated in #2 below? PBS responded to a question about showing a DVD to students.  This series used to stream on PBS but has since been removed so the college has purchased a DVD...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have read the articles about Canvas' Speedgrader functionality and have seen several places in this community where Speedgrader Student Viewed data indicates this is representative of students viewing instructor feedback. Here's what the Canvas Doc...

  • 1 Replies

I teach American Sign Language.  New Quizzes have been a lifesaver for me as I can upload brief videos (stimulus) for students to watch and they can select the correct interpretation. I have had no problem with one of my courses, but for another cour...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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How can I view when a teacher posted an assignment.

  • 3 Replies

the classic quizzes - at least gives details but the new quizzes only provides, system details captured, is there any way for it to let teachers know, if a student "stopped viewing canvas-quiz page"?????? and "resumed"This new way - is not helpful!!!...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I sync only select courses in my calendar feed when I export to iCal? Even if I uncheck the course on Canvas, all courses show up in iCal feed. Any feedback is appreciated, thank you! 

  • 2 Replies

TII integration doesn’t allow for a template to be uploaded in the Canvas assignment set up page, you still have to go to the TII website and upload it there. Is it possible (or are they already working on it) to have this option added to the Canvas ...

  • 1 Replies

I posted a quiz I wanted to access across different campuses.   I shared a quiz from CSULA hoping to then access it from my CSULB account -  but it doesn't show up in any search even though I know I shared it.  Is there a waiting period?

  • 3 Replies

I am looking to build a sample course in the Canvas LMS to share as part of a professional instructional design portfolio. What would be the best way to share it?

  • 1 Replies

I know there is an auto-save feature for text-entries, but even though my page refreshed after my wifi died, all of my text was gone. Is there any way to recover it?

  • 1 Replies

I have students do self- and group-evaluations.  When these evaluation demonstrate a significant lack of participation by one or more students, or a significant over-and-above effort, I change the individual scores for each student.  It happens about...

  • 2 Replies

All of a sudden, the graders and instructors are no longer able to see text comments when we make them or files with comments when we upload them in Speedgrader. This is true for multiple assignments. We cleaned our caches, cookies, etc., we tried to...

  • 1 Replies

This was brought up years ago and really should be fixed. Why, why, why would you assume we wanted to sync course settings (thus swapping out the home page) on the first sync? Who thought taking away this control was a good idea?Current workflow:1. N...

  • 2 Replies

I have 64 courses created for our upcoming term. All of the courses are 4 weeks long and have one module for each week. I need to input the same exact module access dates for each class and was wondering if there was an easy to do this.  Thanks as al...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to create an area on a page that will automatically update information from a secondary source? I am working with a college that wants a Welcome page that includes the course description that cannot be edited, which I know Canvas can d...

  • 1 Replies

When I have Canvas generate numbers for a formula question, is there a way to remove certain numbers? I thought I had seen a thread on it before, but I can't find it.

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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When giving a Canvas Quiz with Go Guardian, the "Multiple Answer" type of question doesn't allow the student to check boxes. I have allowed the complete URL in Go Guardian but it still doesn't operate correctly. Has anyone had a similar problem?

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  Is it possible to reorder posts in a Canvas discussion?  I have an ongoing discussion that has several posts, and it would be so helpful to see the most recent posts on top. I noticed Microsoft Teams just added this feature, and it would be g...

  • 2 Replies

How do we copy a class list from one course to another as a group? 

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to turn in my video for my Spanish class, but every time I try, it says an error in the attempt. Is there a way this could be fixed or resolved?

  • 1 Replies

I am having a very frustrating issue with my assignments being sorted randomly in the gradebook. I have to manually go through in the Gradebook and drag and drop them into the correct order, but when I navigate away and come back, they're back to bei...

  • 2 Replies

I am having my students write a research essay in class instead of having it be homework because I'm tired of ChatGPT. I was told by my IT dept. that I can have them do this in Canvas in the computer lab without being able to access the internet. Bec...

  • 2 Replies

I teach Applied Statistics, and my students are assigned to use SPSS to enter data into an .sav file, then upload the file to Canvas. For the first time this semester (unlike the past 8 years I have been assigning this), a handful of my students' .sa...

  • 2 Replies

I have long been noticing that, once I think I am done with grading student submissions for a particular assignment in Canvas (as indicated by the lack of "to do" submissions in the drop-down menu for that assignment in the Speed Grader) I find, very...

  • 1 Replies

Our teachers have been reporting issues with student submissions where the text is 'invisible', and the issue for them is becoming more frequent. They are seeing this in SpeedGrader, on discussions, when students submit to essay questions, etc. Basic...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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I noticed there's a button named "Show All Details" when I use the student view to see the Grades. After I pressed this button, an extra line appeared under Assignment/Quizzes which had been graded, but it was blank and nothing was displayed. I searc...

  • 4 Replies

Hi where is the picot format to dowload that took me five hours and to save that imagen and not was able to find the document.

  • 1 Replies

Hi Canvas Community We have an assignment that was created for a Canvas course without the TurnItIn option being enabled. The teacher has now added the TurnItIn option to the assignment - however, all the students had already submitted their final dr...

  • 1 Replies

When you go to Settings- External Apps within a course, there are no apps listed, nor does the search work. Just wondering if there were any issues with this right now We are trying to use the Redirect tool which typically has been listed on External...

  • 8 Replies