login/home page

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My gut feeling is that this is a no.

I have an tutor asking if there is anyway that when a particular group of student login to Canvas that they go to a 'home' page, which would have links to their other courses.

Told the tutor that it was a no go, but thought I would ask those with more knowledge than I have.


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3 Solutions

At least on my end, the links for Courses, Dashboard, and Calendar are always visible on the left. I can understand some of your reasoning as a way to minimize queries for assistance. Especially as I've witnessed students increasingly demonstrate weird computer behavior (I have not figured out why, when looking for something in a list, they jump back and forth from the top to the bottom of the list rather than just going down the list). 

Since the original question was desiring separate home pages on a student-by-student basis, I'm not sure their tutor's goal can be met easily. There might be a way to MacGyver a way using some other Canvas features, but way more work than just putting a note on the Home page to click on the "Dashboard" on the far left side of the screen. That might provide a simple solution for those students.

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Community Coach
Community Coach


Did these students happen to change their Dashboard view?  I prefer the Card layout since it shows cards for each course.  However, I know some students change their view to List View instead.  This is a setting that students can control.  If the tutor was looking at the student's current Dashboard and didn't see links to their other courses, maybe those students had it set to List View instead.

View Dashboard as a Student 

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Community Contributor


I understand where some of you are coming from, whether the students have changed the dashboard setting to card view or the list.

My gut is telling me that there is no way to have a default page/course, where the students will automatically go to when they login.

I had a chat with the tutor who raised the question, they are new to Canvas and not really got a grasp of the the way it works, which is evident in some of the other things they are doing 😒

Thanks for the thoughts.


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