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How can students see my comments on ungraded surveys? Thank you. 

  • 1 Replies

I accidentally deleted the wrong version of a quiz. I deleted the quiz that the students had already taken. Can I recover their grades or work? It was a quiz and an assignment. I have tried the undelete trick. It does not bring back my students' resu...

  • 4 Replies

I would like the instructor to create a classic quiz whereby we are being tested general knowledge, often focusing on historical, cultural and educational topics. Format should be online quizzes

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I'm looking to change my dashboard from list view to card view. I've searched the canvas guides to see how I'm supposed to be able to change the views, but I don't have the options menu. Did I somehow make the options menu disappear? If so, ho...

  • 2 Replies

I created a matching question for a quiz and made the question worth 8 points (there are eight vocabulary words in the question).  I added it to a test bank.  I then created a second, similar quiz using the test bank but now the item in the bank says...

  • 1 Replies

I have a teacher who sees the following attached image on one student's submission and not on all the others.  Has anyone ever evaluated this question before?  Does anyone know why this happens?  Why does it have a box around it?  Why does it grey ou...

  • 4 Replies

Students are posting their original response to a discussion assignment, then they delete it which allows them to see their classmates' responses.  After reading the other students' responses, they write their own. This completely defeats the purpose...

  • 1 Replies

I need to submit 2 PDF files and a URL for an assignment. I upload both PDF files and paste the URL and hit submit in the URL section. Then I checked the submission details, it doesn't show my PDF submitted. Do I have to re-submit the PDF files? Than...

  • 1 Replies

Hello there, I am currently experiencing a problem on Canvas where the webpage for the site itself breaks to the point where it's impossible to navigate the site using provided text links in random parts of the page. I don't believe the reason it doe...

  • 5 Replies

I have courses in multiple languages. The grades view fine in all languages that read left to right. When I use Arabic, everything gets flipped right to left per how the language users read (that's not the problem). When I go into the grades section ...

  • 2 Replies

I set up an anonymous discussion board for my students to discuss the Electoral College during this election week. With how polarized the election is, I wanted to make students couldn't see their peer's responses, but I didn't realize I also wouldn't...

  • 2 Replies

I can't enter letter grades. Regrade options are wonky. These and several other issues sit for years, but they're pretty basic. The process of submitting something to a community vote or whatever is abysmal.  I shouldn't have to run a campaign to ent...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I'm looking to create an orientation course for 200-300 new students who join my institute. We have 2 campuses, and two intakes each year. Our orientation course currently runs for over two weeks, but I want to extend it for up to a month and spread ...

  • 1 Replies

This just started a few hours ago.  When I try to assign something (discussion, assignment, etc), the assign box is greyed out.  I have logged out and in.  Nothing seems to be working. 

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

How does one add a video to a course?  I can see a tag on the home front page on my phone for panopto video but I do not see it on the computer

  • 1 Replies

I was reading about the Canvas Late Submission Policy.  How does it work with external tools such as SIMnet when it syncs its score...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Tengo un problema urgente con el acceso de los alumnos a un curso en Canvas. Cuando se registran usando el enlace y el código del curso, pueden acceder sin problemas, pero cuando intentan acceder días después con su correo y contraseña en el enlace (...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Good morning,In the last week I have had two students submit assignments that they shouldn't have been able to since the assignments were closed.In one case, the assignment isn't set to open till next week, but one student has already posted their wo...

  • 7 Replies

Hi, There are some inherited developer keys where the names have leading spaces resulting in some issues (e.g. sorting, odd results in Canvas Data). Is it possible for Instructure to remove these spaces, considering that inherited developer keys can ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi  I have discovered that the download button has been removed from Canvas, when you are adding PowerPoint slides to a Canvas modules, using iframes from OneDrive. It is no probem when you are attaching other Office365 files (Word, Excel, pub etc). ...

  • 2 Replies

I’m trying to add a profile picture? Where do I navigate in the canvas app to complete uploading my photo? 

  • 1 Replies

So - I am grading discussions and I realized that it's a bit frustrating.   Like most instructors, I ask students to respond to a post.  HOWEVER, I sometimes ask students to (politely) DISagree with a post.  Even when I ask them to agree, I ask them ...

  • 3 Replies

I wish that there was a way to hop from one submission to another for a single student. Then the next feature that I would request is to have submissions of two students appear side by side. Sometimes I want to compare their work. In fact, having a t...

  • 6 Replies

Can I program the Return button in a course to redirect to the Modules list?

  • 1 Replies

We have installed Accredible to issue certificates to our learners successful completions. Our learners are now clicking on the module link to take them to Accredible to print out their certificate and it is throwing up an error. I have asked the Acc...

  • 1 Replies

Hi Everyone,The latest update to Canvas has each initial post showing, and under each how many replies. This requires both me as Professor and all students in the class to hit that to open and see the peer posts for that specific initial post.What I ...

  • 1 Replies

I am an Admin and I still do not have the attendance option. I am having to create multiple "assignments" as a means to record attendance and link it to a Google Doc. Can someone assist with this? Is there a number or individual assigned to regions? ...

  • 1 Replies

I have about 4 teachers who use Canvas Quizzes regularly. When students go to take a quiz from this teacher, they are having issues submitting their finished quiz. They get the spinning wheel of death. Often, the quiz will be submitted later, but mos...

  • 8 Replies

We have Canvas Studio for video submissions to assignments. What is the difference between that and "media recording" submissions? Are they the same? Does Media Recordings still have limitations compared to Studio? There is no choice for submitting j...

  • 10 Replies

Students who are dropped from a course in our SIS (PowerSchool) are still appearing in the course on Canvas as "Inactive."  I've tried removing them from the course directly in Canvas, but they reappear after the roster sync.  Is there a way to not h...

  • 2 Replies