
Candice Washington
Community Explorer
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy
Jul 10, 2022 2:07:23 PM
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Philosophy Instructor for over 20 years. Voice Artist. VP of Education and Experiential Learning for a National Youth Hostel Association

Most Liked Posts

So - I am grading discussions and I realized that it's a bit frustrating.   Like most instructors, I ask students to respond to a post.  HOWEVER, I sometimes ask students to (politely) DISagree wi...
Likes: 2
Hello -  I've recently discovered how js can make canvas life so much better (thanks to James!) I wondered if there was a js to improve the file experience. Like many - I have multiple copies of t...
Likes: 0
@James THANK YOU!!!!! Turns out - it was me!  I kept seeing "no scripts running" on the instructure site.  I didn't realize that code was designed for it only to run on the necessary p...
Likes: 0
Hello -  I am trying to install this and I am having an issue (I have worked with JS code before, but VERY lightly) Here is the line as it is written in the code  // @include /^https://.*\.instruc...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

So - I am grading discussions and I realized that it's a bit frustrating.   Like most instructors, I ask students to respond to a post.  HOWEVER, I sometimes ask students to (politely) DISagree wi...
Oct 29, 2024 19:01 PM
Hello -  I've recently discovered how js can make canvas life so much better (thanks to James!) I wondered if there was a js to improve the file experience. Like many - I have multiple copies of t...
Jul 06, 2024 09:06 AM
@James THANK YOU!!!!! Turns out - it was me!  I kept seeing "no scripts running" on the instructure site.  I didn't realize that code was designed for it only to run on the necessary p...
Jun 30, 2024 12:11 PM
Hello -  I am trying to install this and I am having an issue (I have worked with JS code before, but VERY lightly) Here is the line as it is written in the code  // @include /^https://.*\.instruc...
Jun 29, 2024 11:52 AM

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