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My instructor said to look at our emails and canvas shell course . She had sent an email over the weekend. What is shell course? I recently took a summer class and did well with canvas. I didn't receive any email from her, until recently , but I had ...

  • 4 Replies

Hi All,I am new to canvas. I would like to add Google Colab to my course on canvas to run python. Looking for links or howtos and advice thanks 

  • 1 Replies

I paid for and completed a learning module for cultural competency for medical providers. I am unable to access the quiz for my certification. Please help!

  • 1 Replies

Hi, we have a custom built SIS developed by a computer programmer on staff.  Currently, I manually check the SIS for roster changes every day (multiple times a day during the first month of each school year) for roster changes.  I then export the dat...

  • 6 Replies

Hi, we have a custom built SIS developed by a computer programmer on staff.  Currently, I manually check the SIS for roster changes every day (multiple times a day during the first month of each school year) for roster changes.  I then export the dat...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way to have students grade assignments by other students and tally all the scores?

  • 2 Replies

How do we restrict a quiz to use a single session at a time? We often find students logging in simultaneously from different devices or even different geographical locations to solve quizzes (potentially collaboratively). Restricting the interaction ...

  • 3 Replies

We use a Canvas course titled "Master Calendar" to add all our school events so that it populates onto the student's personal Canvas Calendars. Events include dances, bell schedule, SAT exams, etc. It allows students to see their own course calendars...

  • 2 Replies

Has anyone experienced this? In speedgrader, I am selecting Options and then Sort by the date the student submitted the assignment. Once I've sorted, I am routed into the first ungraded assignment in alphabetical order--NOT the oldest. If I click on ...

  • 1 Replies

What happens to a course when it's blueprint course is deleted?

  • 3 Replies

Is there a report that will pull quiz statistics for a particular quiz over all sections. I know I can run the item analysis but I have to go into each section to pull the data. The student submissions report gives me a general idea but we need to kn...

  • 1 Replies

I created an assignment in my course and attached a rubric with 3 outcomes. Another instructor wants to use the assignment in their class. We copied and moved the assignment to the respective class. The rubric and outcomes are still attached to the a...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to run a report within Canvas that will allow a view of the performance of a question over multiple sections?  

  • 1 Replies

I am an Instructor wondering how I can access events that I have posted on the Calendar from Past Enrollment courses.

  • 1 Replies

We have two teachers that share the same course code.  So all the students are in one course, but the teachers do not want to share their lessons.  So when they assign the work, I have told them to make sure they only assign it to the classes.  Howev...

  • 1 Replies

I created a quiz in Canvas that used question blocks.  Now, when I go to add it to the Module, it does not appear in the pull down menu (list of Quizzes) under the Module.  I also cannot see any of the quizzes imported from Blackboard.Is there a way ...

  • 1 Replies

Can students see announcements before the course beginning date?  I want to send a "Welcome" note.

  • 2 Replies

I use Canvas with a group of students doing an internship. One of them let me know that she is having trouble logging in. She then informed me that the email she gave me to add her to the Canvas course is the same one she uses for her university wher...

  • 2 Replies

When I try to add a calendar event to a student's personal canvas calendar (the calendar that is independent of courses), my api call returns saying it is unauthorized. Is there any permission I can request from my institution to be able to add event...

  • 1 Replies

From the browser version of Canvas, is it possible for parents/observers to see what their child has submitted? 

  • 4 Replies

Working in the grade book, I would like cell to turn green once the student has satisfactorily completed the task.  I have attached a screenshot of our current set up and another of what I would like it to look like.I can see how to change the Status...

  • 2 Replies

I want to hide my grades and commentary for all students on each assignment and then release the grades and commentary to all of them simultaneously at a time I have determined. How do I do that?Thank you.

  • 4 Replies

Good morning everyone,I was looking at doing a bulk CSV into our Primary Curriculum Courses (Pre K - 6) of our Syllabus outcomes and was wondering if there is a way that we can apply all of the outcomes to all of the courses in the one Sub-Account au...

  • 1 Replies

Hi All, Wondering, is it possible to add custom fields to users, to store additional information such as registration numbers?Cheers, Shaun

  • 2 Replies

A student reached out saying she cannot join the course. The student already uses Canvas but it won't accept her password. She has done the password reset twice and it has not sent anything. Is there a reason she cannot be added to my course? 

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible for a person who is listed as an instructor for a course to also be a student with the ability to complete the course?  I have created a district course with mandatory trainings that I also have to take myself.  Do I need to create an ...

  • 2 Replies

I need to know how I can migrate the question banks so that they are inside the course and not as an external bank that can be shared with the quiz. In Classic Quizzes the bank could be at the administrative account level, but it could be copied and ...

  • 1 Replies

I can not change my last name    It does not allow me

  • 1 Replies

My institution started using Canvas two terms ago and already we've had two support tickets from users who found that certain UI elements in Canvas had disappeared.In both cases, clearing out the copy/pasted text from the RCE and replacing it with un...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I find my final transcript from last year?

  • 2 Replies