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I was looking at the instructions on how to submit peer reviews for the tailored resume assignment and I am having problems finding the link for "Assignments." This link does not show up when I click on the dashboard link nor on the navigation bar un...

  • 1 Replies

How do I send an email to all learners? I located the email function in New Analytics but this was not helpful. I am looking to send an email to all learners in the Canvas course (as I was able to send in Blackboard, Tools, Send Email)?Thanks in adva...

  • 1 Replies

I uploaded a file in the Discussion Board part of Canvas. I check my calendar twice and the uploaded file. It is successfully submitted but when I checked the graded assignment of my teacher the file was not visible anymore (in her end nor in my end)...

  • 2 Replies

Hi -- I have set up appointment slots for students across the two modules I teach. When I edit the appointment group, under 'Calendars' it lists both the modules. However, none of the students on the second module are seeing the slots, and when I loo...

  • 1 Replies

When will Canvas update itself to be able to run on the new Firefox 107? Currently can't open canvas since I updated and I had to download a new browser to access my canvas login and do my college coursework. Would love to know when this will fixed!

  • 1 Replies

Do I have draw tools for grading an essay or document in Canvas?Thank You,

  • 1 Replies

I currently use Canvas for creating Escape Rooms for High School students and also for the designing of Corporate training packages. I would like to be able to post a feedback message to students when they get their marks. This could be "The pass mar...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,I know there is a way to download all submitted assignments for everyone in a course. I wish to know is there a way to download just those for a specific group (say you have multiple instructors) and don't wish to download all student submissio...

  • 1 Replies

I'm uploading course materials into the main Files section in Canvas. The course materials is organized in folders by course topics and access to the file folders is restricted based on who needs the materials. I marked "Only available to students wi...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

I have been trying to use the email listed in the subject line to contact Canvas regarding their training courses but my messages are not going through...Does anyone have another email address for them?Thanks in advance,jb

  • 1 Replies

Hi there,I would like to know if there is a way to archive student assessment for future references. If so, how long does it keep all the assessment for? and how big is it?We are such a big school.Thanks in advance 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi Canvas community,Is it possible to use Turnitin when setting up Quizzes or Survey in Canvas? I could not see Turnitin as option.Many thanks.Alena

  • 1 Replies

Hola,¿Alguien podría decirme como hago para descargar un video que se ha subido previamente a un curso?He intentado buscar el video en los archivos del curso, con usuario de ADMIN pero no puedo localizarlo, ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Make sure the 2 below scenarios are right in your file: if you are using fonts locally, make sure the font is uploaded and path is correctly linked to it. If you are calling font from web url, make sure the path is correct or the site is opening the ...

  • 1 Replies

Necesito que alguien me explique cómo configurar una tarea (task) en Canvas para que se califique menos si la entrega es tardía.Gracias.

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I have an instructor that needs to remove questions from a quiz which students have already taken. None of the regrade options are applicable as the instructor wants the question removed (10 questions with 2 to be removed). If we remove the que...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Hello,When I try to create a new page, I get this message:Failed to Create New ItemIs there a fix for this?James

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone. I've been trying to figure out why I cannot play student-submitted videos which are formatted in a Canvas-supported video format in a web browser such as Chrome or Safari, but they play fine in my Canvas Teacher app on my iPhone.I sta...

  • 2 Replies

How can I find (any) file (where I know part of the title and/or content) I have used in an old course but do not know where and when?

  • 3 Replies

Dear Canvas support,I would like to report that when I try to edit the assignments and put grades in one of the assigned classes (7BH), it doesn't work and gives me the message that the page is unresponsive and I either have to wait or leave the page...

  • 1 Replies

We have exactly one student in our course who never gets the full text we send out via Canvas, be it assignment instructions or emails; we are talking short texts here, less than 3,000 characters.Any idea what the issue could be? It works perfectly f...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, when I open my canvas my dashboard is blank. When I click on any of the side tabs nothing happens, the only tab that works is my messaging. I cant see any courses or assignments and I can't even access my own account profile.

  • 2 Replies

The Course Navigation Menu (i.e. the three lines/hamburger icon) is missing from a student's Canvas. They are unable to access assignments, modules etc. They are able to see it on the Canvas app but not in the web browser. They are using Chrome and h...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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There are some courses I have completed that are not showing up on the "All Courses" menu of my Canvas. Is there a reason that would not show up? I am hoping that course counted towards my completion!Thank you.

  • 2 Replies

I have several issues with new quizzes.1. Changes the orders of my questions when I am trying to keep a Word document test blueprint, so it takes forever to search for questions, even when using ctrl + f52. I have been waiting for 29 hours for quiz s...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I help administer Canvas at my institution.We do not allow faculty the ability to "Create a New Course".Is there a way we could add a button to their profile that would automatically create a Sandbox Course?Thank You

  • 1 Replies

Hello:Once we complete the Canvas' Maryland Heath and Safety course, unless you download the certificate immediately, there is NO PREVISIONS to download/print your course certificate later after course completion, notwithstanding the fact that this c...

  • 2 Replies

We would like to enhance notifications for a client course by having repeat notifications sent to teachers until the submission upload is graded. Is this possible, or something similar?Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

I want the parent app installed at my college, but IT say it is not secure and that a paired parent can view any students details on the course. Surely this is not true?See their email response below"The parent app was deployed and ready to use for a...

  • 1 Replies

I am new to Canvas and come here from Moodle. Unlike Moodle or MyOpenMath (and most other quiz systems, I think) Canvas does not allow questions in quizzes to be submitted individually or one at a time. It seems essential for assignments or any learn...

  • 2 Replies