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I have been trying to work with requirements in a module. The goal is to require students to complete a quiz, which contains a case scenario, before viewing follow-up material to the case scenario. I went into the module / edit / requirements / selec...

  • 2 Replies

I have created a Mastery Path that should show an assignment with a student scores a 10 on a quiz and a page to view if they do not.  In student view, I can see only the assignment when I score a 10 on the quiz. However, I can still see it and access...

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor and would like to remove attendance notices sent by email to students.

  • 1 Replies

Hi. What is the diffrences between classic and modern quizzes that are to require LockDownBrowser, and how do you force set quizzes as always modern quizzes? We are having different issues between theese two, and prefer to have modern quizzes to be u...

  • 5 Replies

Hi everyone, Does anyone know if we have any report on calculating how many downloads of a particular file in Canvas course? I see in Analytics, we have only file uploads. But our faculty prefer to see the download instead.I have tried to find a work...

  • 1 Replies

Hi! Can anyone tell me what the dinosaur image means in Canvas if it shows up in place of a quiz essay answer? Thanks!

  • 3 Replies

Students and faculty are unable to subscribe to a discussion, even though they have updated their notification settings and they are not required to post first.The option to subscribe is "greyed" out.

  • 1 Replies

I am having problems and need help. Josephine Ezeanya

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I’m investigating the expanded use of Canvas here at my university.  This question deals with the ability for an instructor to add a student to a class on the fly.Situation explained.  The university operates both didactic classroom courses and clini...

  • 1 Replies

I think I already know the answer to this question but I thought I would double-check. Per the Canvas guides, in order to award students full credit for a question in New Quizzes, you have to go into Speedgrader, then go into an individual student's ...

  • 3 Replies

I am an instructor with a 'learning to learn' student learning objective.  I want to use the New Analytics student activity reports to show students their opportunity to learn more effectively by engaging in key content (pages) earlier (right after a...

  • 1 Replies

I've received an extension on medical grounds but feel as though one extra day would make a huge difference for editing and submitting as the time I was granted extra was also spent catching up on work outside of uni. Will I receive an immediate fail...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,I requested access to a Ventures Basic shell course on Canvas. I was promptly given access to Ventures Basic Units 1-5, as well as all of Ventures Levels 1-4 and Transitions, but I am missing Units 6-10 of Ventures Basic. I am working on Unit 9...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there,New canvas admin here and I'm trying make sure I fully understand the Term end dates and what happens when those dates are reached.  I know that typically the course becomes concluded and goes into a read-only state on the Term End date.Our ...

  • 4 Replies

I am an instructor and looking at the instructor view in Canvas Gradebook, What is the meaning of the red dot icon in the upper left corner of the grade book columns? It appeared for the first time yesterday in some Discussion Board columns.Thank you

  • 9 Replies

As someone who has provided substantial support to novice Canvas users at my institution, in this forum, and on Facebook, I can attest that one of major design flaws of Canvas is hiding very important Announcement, Discussion, and Grading settings in...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

Hiya,There's a tool we've been working on that gives each student a file space inside a Canvas course where they can place files. The files are accessible to the student and any instructors or teaching assistants on the course. This allows students t...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

When you have multiple assignment groups that are unweighted ("Weight final grade based on assignment groups" is toggled off), how does that functionally work with the total grade? I'm guessing it's one of two options:1. The assignment groups are jus...

  • 3 Replies

Cengage I can’t load the new chapter I need it’s only going up to unit 15 I need to go beyond that now

  • 1 Replies

Greetings. It is a school requirement that students upload their essays into Canvas-UniCheck for a Similarity Report. Question: How can students delete, extract, remove, and retrieve their typed and speech written essays and papers from/out of the Ca...

  • 2 Replies

Can the questions in a question bank be filtered by question type? I'm looking at a question bank that was imported from Blackboard, and I can't see a way to do this. In fact I can't find a way to determine what an item's question type is without sim...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Community,I have a question for you regarding the best practices used in managing Canvas Sub-accounts in a way to best integrate SIS systems.We use Jenzabar Sonis as our main SIS system. We would like to integrate it with Canvas to automatically c...

  • 2 Replies

Will additional features provide the ability to verify faculty engagement with students to meet regular and substantive interaction requirements established by the updated Fed rule? Specifically, it would be really useful to be able to show that facu...

  • 4 Replies

I am reposting this issue because my initial post has been closed and marked solved.This issue has not been solved and remains a big problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------There has been a change in how "unread" ...

  • 3 Replies

If a video link in posted in Canvas, is it possible to track which students watch the video?

  • 1 Replies

I created a course that I am blueprinting. One of the courses that are synced to that course needs to be modified slightly for virtual use. Basically, I have a master course that I am syncing to a seated version and a virtual version. I need to be ab...

  • 1 Replies

We've been using New Analytics every week for the past 2 years without issue, now we are receiving an error message stating "Sorry, this course is too large to be loaded"

  • 4 Replies

I'm creating audio and visual conference material using BBB and I want to use them as listening (audio) and watching (visual) assets on my Canvas pages.Is it possible to download or link the conference material to use on a Canvas page?Thanks 

  • 2 Replies