Questions imported with IMS-QTI to Canvas showing in question bank but not in quizzes

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I have imported questions to a course with QTI option, I can see the question in the questions banks when I navigate to the course quizzes section (see screenshot). However, I don't know how to make them available as a course quiz. 

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Adminteam,

There are a couple different ways you can go with this in Classic Quizzes (which I can see is where your questions imported from your screenshot).

  1. If you just want to select specific questions form the bank for your quizzes, see: How do I create a quiz by finding questions in a q... - Instructure Community
  2. If you want to have different questions drawn at random from the bank for each student's quiz, see: How do I create a quiz with a question group linke... - Instructure Community

Hope this helps a bit!


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