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When I view the discussion in the past with LMS on Desktop Web browser view I could see everyone's post in the discussion. I guess a recent change has been made and it makes it difficult to view all the discussion because the browser does not acknowl...

  • 5 Replies

Is it possible to download individual student assignments as they're submitted?

  • 1 Replies

I was excited with the prospect of the new discussion checkpoints.  It seems like a feature that should have been added years ago: include two different dates for topic replies and replies to classmates.  However, this has changed the way discussions...

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone,  I'm trying to figure out how I can put one certain outcome, to one rubric for like 5 times but with a different description. Not like the first printscreen, where I made 2 outcomes. I want to make (outcome) "BC 01 Make a good photo" but...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I accidentally selected the checkpoints option and it removed my group settings. I hit save my mistake. I need my group discussion back but now it is all greyed out even though I unchecked the Checkpoint settings.

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am attempting to build a new quiz with dropdown menu answer choices. I want all of the answer choices to be correct because this is just a completion grade survey. I am not able to find a way to efficiently do that. Having a completion grade quiz w...

  • 1 Replies

What is the purpose of assigning Groups within the People of a course? Is there a way to give the Group access to a Canvas Quiz simultaneously so they can collaborate and work on it together?

  • 2 Replies

You know how there are options to mark assignments as “missing” or “Excused”? How do I make one called “Incomplete” and “Absent”? I am constantly writing these two things in the comment box and it would be nice to just have a button to click.

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I have noticed an error in the learner workbook, please can you confirm the accurate definitions for the below themes as they seem to have been repeated:Quality The purpose of the quality theme is to define and implement the means bywhich the proj...

  • 1 Replies

I just created a question in a canvas quiz using multiple fillin the blank questions.This is a programming quiz.The answer we are looking for is :size(300,200,P3D);so:[size]([x], [y], [P3D]);each variable has the correct answer specified. Unfortunate...

  • 5 Replies

Hi all!So, I need to preface with saying I work in a Title 1 middle school, with great (but sneaky) kiddos. For my big unit quizzes, I use Google Forms because of their Lockdown Quiz feature that works perfectly with student Chromebooks. On Canvas, t...

  • 3 Replies

I'm able to create a new course via the API. However, the Let students organize their own groups box is checked (see the new on on the right).  What parameter is used to set it to unchecked that?  

  • 2 Replies

How do I download all sent messages to use as a communication artifact for PDPS and observations? Ugh, clicking each email is not helpful there isn't a select all option either.

  • 1 Replies

Connect allows me to limit the number of attempts on each assignment.That 'rule' does not transfer when the assignment is linked to Canvas.EVERY Connect assignment comes in with unlimited attempts and has to be manually adjusted.  The number of attem...

  • 3 Replies

We have a highly evolved approach to our Capstone Projects and Dissertations which have one convenor/leader and up to 50 supervisors. Whilst the Capstone leader is responsible for maintaining the content, individual students are assigned to individua...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hi guys, it is a already graded assignment and I replied my teacher's comments, I wonder if he can see it. 

  • 2 Replies

I have migrated our courses to the new quizzes but the build on last parameters need to be set. As they all have the same parameters, can I update this build setting in bulk or do I have to do it one by one? Once course has 76 quizzes Thanks    

  • 1 Replies

I've been on a 30 minute seek and find to try to find a way to give feedback on the discussion redesign. In short - it's TERRIBLE!Grading discussion questions is now a laborious process extending my grading time due to all the extra clicking to find ...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to not allow students to email other students in Canvas. I rather them only have access to emailing the teacher, but if that is not available I would prefer they cannot email anyone. 

  • 1 Replies

Hello --I am grading a project through speedgrader -- I made a lot of comments for the students to review and when I hit submit, those comments disappear and they are not posted where they are usually posted when I have made comments before in the gr...

  • 3 Replies

I'm trying to access MyLab Math with Pearson eText and the instructions make no sense whatsoever.  I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. 

  • 2 Replies

I think it would be really useful to be able to choose to pin a module to the top of the module screen. I create weekly modules in all of my courses, so certain important resources can quickly become buried. I would like to be able to create a "resou...

  • 2 Replies

Ik wil een nieuwe docent toevoegen. Deze blijkt al een account te hebben maar kan geen toegang krijgen tot dit account. Hoe lossen we dit op?We krijgen telkens deze melding:   

  • 2 Replies

Hello!My "To Do" Grading items are appearing out of order. Is there a way I can have them listed in chronological class order?

  • 4 Replies

HelloWhen Trainers login to Canvas is there somewhere they can view all of their submitted assessments that require marking?Additionally is there a report that Admins can run to see this information?Thanks!

  • 1 Replies

What would cause an assignment to populate in the calendar page but not on the dashboard? In one of my classes, the quizzes appear on the calendar when opened, but are not listed on the dashboard list. Other classes do list in the dashboard field, as...

  • 1 Replies

How do I go on to and canvas and look at the comments I made on previous discussion boards?

  • 1 Replies

I'm a faculty member, and today, without warning, discussion posts have a terrible blue background in Speed Grader, making them hard to read. Please undo this very silly thing. As users, you should really know better.

  • 5 Replies

Please help me!  I have created 3 new assignment pages and each time, when I am done and click on the blank assignment page to make a copy to start a new assignment, the previous assignment I just made disappears and is NOWHERE to be found.  Not in h...

  • 1 Replies