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I have quite a few faculty asking me how to tag or categorize in Canvas exam/quizzes.  I know Outcomes is one way to do this but is there a way to do it similiar to the way Blackboard does it?  What does everyone else do?  The link below explains how...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

The attached picture is from my speed grader view.  The file being viewed is a C++ program text file that was submitted.  The file downloads and views fine in a regular editor (plus it compiles and runs).  Over the last 8-9 years of using Canvas with...

  • 2 Replies

How can I stop getting alerts through canvas? I have turned off all push notifications and every time someone post something in class I get the alert. How do I turn that off? 

  • 1 Replies

We found out we were using a course as a template / structure (not Canvas Template) that had a quota of 500 mb, when our default quota is 2000 mb.  We copied this course to 200+ courses.  Is there an easy way from our Admin side to correct this?  I w...

  • 2 Replies

Cost-Volume-Profit with Multiple Products, Sales Mix Changes, Changes in Fixed and Variable Costs Artistic Woodcrafting Inc. began several years ago as a one-person, cabinet-making operation. Employees were added as the business expanded. Last year, ...

  • 2 Replies

I'd like to see an item analysis report for a quiz in Canvas, but for only 1 class section.  Is this possible?

  • 2 Replies

I use groups of 2-3 students often in classes. I use notes in the grade book to keep track of what group students are assigned. I would like to be order my students in the gradebook by there group number/name. Thanks

  • 1 Replies

how to integrate Zoom with Canvas. thanks in advance

  • 2 Replies

I was wondering how do i delete my canvas account I dont use it anymore.

  • 2 Replies

Looking for ways to manage "global pages" across many different courses. These could be student resource pages, how-to guides, assignment instructions, or library tutorials - things that need to go into every course in a particular program, or even e...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Currently, dark mode is not available on Canvas on the web (even though it is available on the mobile app). The ability to change themes is also limited to admins (did you really think that only admins would want the ability to customize how Canvas l...

  • 1 Replies

I just got an invitation, as a new instructor, for Growing with Canvas. But when I try to dig into the tutorials all the videos don't work and have the message "Sorry, because of privacy settings this video cannot be played here." I tried it more tha...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, so I'm taking my first online course, and our first exam was yesterday. We needed to use respondus locked browser to take it, which I got into, then proceeded to the Access code screen. I typed in the given access code and the backup one my pr...

  • 1 Replies

I have a learner with an open entry answer, and used the matching words that are in the answer verbatim. This was still marked wrong. Tried to regrade but didn't happen. This learner would have a passing mark if answered correctly (which she did). Ca...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have a student who has been struggling with taking her Canvas exams using Respondus LockDown browser and webcam.  For the past year, she has had no issues.  However, this semester, she has a problem getting through the environment check as it is te...

  • 1 Replies

My organization has a course that has already started, with active students. I would like to create two sections of the course and divide the students into these sections manually. If I do that with students that have already started the course, but ...

  • 3 Replies

Can you please add an ABSENT notation for the gradebook that goes along with Missing, late, resubmitted etc.  It would really be helpful and I see that there are a lot of different discussions over the years that ask for this feature.  Or make it ava...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible for the Canvas administrator to dictate gradebook settings for groups of courses and/or sections?  We would like to enforce a common set of assignment groups and associated weights for common grade levels and departments.If this is not...

  • 1 Replies

I really need to get "find a rubric" organized and sorted but I can't get it to work.I've installed greasemonkey add on for Firefox and the additional script as recommended by @James but when I go to find a rubric, I see the same unorganized mess as ...

  • 1 Replies

Does anybody having problems loading the student names and grades? 

  • 1 Replies

We are using BBB recorded analytics to evaluate if a student participated in class discussions/Talk. For some students I see lots of activities in the Talk section while I don't remember they said anything during the session. I am wondering even if t...

  • 1 Replies

¡Hola a todos!Estoy teniendo dificultades para cargar la lista de estudiantes en Canvas y necesitaría su ayuda. Cuando intento acceder a la lista de personas o asignar puntajes, me sale un mensaje de error que dice:"Hubo un problema al cargar estudia...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I have been using Canvas's peer review functionality to conduct peer reviews in a technical writing course, and I've run into a bug where many of my students' rubrics are not saving correctly when they hit submit. Essentially, no matter what sele...

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Canvas Question Forum
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i completed my assignment on canvas and it said 'draft saved' but when i tried looking for it, i could not find it anywhere. Now the due date has passed and i cannot find my work i spent so long completing. Please help me find it.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Good Day.May i kindly request for assistance from anyone who has had access to the Academic Integrity Course that we are expected to do, please. I have made enquiries about this and was told to check on Canvas but I cannot find any information relate...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, We have created many program outcomes at the root level within folders for each department at our college.  Faculty have mapped and aligned program outcomes to their appropriate course assignment rubric or New Quiz.  We are collecting data and...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Our school is on semesters. I created outcomes and aligned those outcomes to individual questions in the item bank (New Quizzes). Last semester those outcomes were visible in the Learning Mastery Gradebook. I did the same for my NEW classes second se...

  • 1 Replies

I have an ongoing issue where one of my canvas classes has a constant alert in my Grades tab. I have tried viewing all my assignments and feedback one by one, but the "1" indicator by my grades never disappears. It's also visible from everywhere on t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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