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I work on two different institutions' Canvas installations. Across all my quizzes/question banks this week that I have had time to check, I have found issues with question banks. In one case, a question bank I wrote over the weekend suddenly has ques...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I was trying to sent an assignment as an editable Google Doc for students so that it made a copy for each student. However, some logged in before the document was completely updated and now they are missing information on thier assignment. How can I ...

  • 1 Replies

Every time I try to upload an assignment in my Canvas web account, I keep getting this error message. I have tried BOTH the drag and drop feature directly from my files AND the "Choose a File to Upload" option. Both give me this error. This has happe...

  • 3 Replies

Is it possible to have my canvas message account receive emails sent from Pearson?My institution is monitoring student-instructor interaction. In the past, I have always had students send me emails to ask me questions through Pearson "ask my instruct...

  • 1 Replies

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas here.  We have an open case with Canvas Support, but have not received any communication from them.  A week ago, we archived our last 2 years of courses.  We moved the courses to an archived term and deleted the ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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If I designate an assignment to be worth 10 points and to be graded as Complete/Incomplete, but the student submits the assignment late, does my standard late penalty (2%) still get applied?  (I hope so, but can't tell.)

  • 1 Replies

I have been asked to update a site reference within the course.  Is there a Canvas tool that would assist in the search rather than looking through each page?  

  • 2 Replies

Hello,  I have a group that wants to view only their athletes grades in Canvas. I was trying to create a role in Canvas, which can only view students' grades. I was trying to base it off of the Observer and student role, but nothing is working. They ...

  • 2 Replies

I would like to delete my student account and the teacher account (even though i created a teach account I cannot access it). Please delete these accounts ASAP. You can contact me a Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

I have used Canvas before and never had an issue. Basically, I am getting to the end of each module (I'm in week 2 of a new course now, and haven't been able to complete week 1's quiz due to the fact that the module "start quiz" button is grey, meani...

  • 1 Replies

Can I recover students text entry information from an in-class test that was lost because they were accidentally timed out and submitted after the time deadline 

  • 2 Replies

There was a time when I encouraged faculty to provide links to entire modules. When someone clicked such a link, the Modules tool would display AND the module that was linked to would be scrolled into view (as an html anchor #). Today? No. I believe ...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

In Modules, there should be a way to select multiple items to be indented at the same time.   When you copy an item, you should be able to select multiple classes to copy the item to at once, like with a click box where you can select multiple classe...

  • 1 Replies

I have a class with the same students from the previous course site. Since there are more than 60-80 students, I would like to use the groups from the old course site, which has already ended, and simply upload them to the new, current course site. H...

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor reaching out for the Canvas team to allow for time modifiers in multiples of 1, 1.5 or 2.  Both for regular Canvas and new quizzes I used to be able to just add in a time modifier as per the Canvas instructions (such as 1.5x or 2x)...

  • 2 Replies

Hi. this Mahgol Alavi. I enrolled 5c class but I can not see on canvas! please help me.My student#900535141

  • 1 Replies

Good morning, my name is Alicia Byers, I want to begin by saying I'm sorry I've missed class and some assignments. I been very sick and have been down for a couple weeks now. I wanted to just reach out to let you know. Can I ask what is the best way ...

  • 1 Replies

I currently have teachers voicing that they have some students that are not able to see a certain assignment within a Module. I do not have a specific example as the assignment does eventually appear for the student. The assignments are published, th...

  • 5 Replies

I am trying to access a class from fall of 23 to get the title from the artifact assignment to upload to tevera, is there any way to do that? It was an alcoholism and substance abuse ethics class in fall of 23 thru thomas university, 

  • 1 Replies

Hello there, I have a few quizzes that, have incomplete grading notes that our contract markers rely on for marking. Is there any way grading notes can be added to an already published quiz with students still completing the course? I see that there ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I don't know to get a pairing code, so where do you get a pairing code? 

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My new quizzes start with an agreement that students will not open tabs, use AI, etc. It's a multiple-choice question with an agree or disagree. If they mark disagree then 15 points is subtracted. If they mark agree then there's one point added to th...

  • 1 Replies

Students have taken a quiz (Classic type). I decided to accept an additional answer to the last question. I added the answer and expected Canvas to give me the option to automatically regrade the quiz, but it did not. From what I could find online, t...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, My school has the FeedbackFruits tool suite (FF). However, I was surprised to see an FF link in the module options menu (three dots) when clicking on it, allowing the creation of an FF assignment. Usually, I believe the three-dot menu only ref...

  • 2 Replies

how to add the Recent announcement to the home page and how to remove it from the home page 

  • 1 Replies

how do i find the domain of my canvas to connect to dropbox?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Everyone! I am relatively new to being a Canvas administrator, and I have an instructor who would like to add rubrics to their quizzes/exams. They want to add a rubric to a 10-question/20-point multiple-choice quiz. Would there be any benefit ...

  • 3 Replies

I'm enrolled in the Caring Science, Mindful Practice "Canvas Free For Teacher" course. I have access to course, but missing key elements. For example, going through the modules I'm missing the completion circles to the far right and don't see a place...

  • 1 Replies

How can I find a student that have been deleted?

  • 2 Replies