allowing repeat credit for courses

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We have several courses that our learners can complete for repeat credit, so long as there are at least 12 months between completion. Is there any way to set parameters in Canvas to prohibit learners to self-enroll in a course for repeat credit before that 12 month period has passed? I'm thinking not as I haven't been able to locate this information but thought I would ask!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SheilaZickefoos,

I haven't seen anything like this build into Canvas LMS or Canvas Catalog even.  I think you'd likely have to build some kind of middleware to put this kind of restriction in place, and have the middleware do course enrollments instead of the build-in self-enroll option in Canvas.

I wish I had better news for you, but I wanted to at least get you some sort of answer since the question has been out here for a few weeks now.  Someone else is free to chime in if they know something that neither one of us do though!


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