Why no RCE in Grading Notes in New Quizzes?

Community Member

Why is it that the RCE is not implemented in the Grading Notes box for Essay type questions in New Quizzes? For questions where students are using the Equation Editor to display their math answers, it would be great if I could display the mathematical expression also using the Equation Editor and use the Insert Image option to display what the graphical answer should look like? It is antiquated thinking that passing around a separate solutions file is the way to go. Graders should be able to complete grading solely on their devices using the Canvas Instructor app and not need to flip between apps or to look at a separate paper/screen. I cannot imagine a technical reason why the RCE hasn't been deployed in Grading Notes except for lazy or short-sighted developers/managers. Please help out the instructors/graders! Thanks!!!

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