Why is there no "Download All Files" option for quizzes that use all Question Bank Question Groups?

Community Member

In the interest of making my exams and quizzes more cheat-proof, I have started using Question Banks. I use external software to have students create uploadable files. However, some of the files are interpreted by Canvas as text files, making those files difficult for me to grade. In the past, I would download all the files en masse, and then they were correctly associated with the programs I use to read them, and it was easy to grade it all.

In the past, when I didn't use Question Banks, I was given the option to "Download All Files". However, if one uses nothing but Question Banks, that option does not appear. There is a work-around --- one can assign a single file upload question outside the Question Banks (in other words, a required file-upload question). I have implemented this work-around. However, here is my question: what is the reason for this approach in Canvas? It seems to me like some kind of oversight in the structure of Canvas, but maybe some good reason exists that I don't know about. Also, are there plans to remove this unhelpful and arbitrary constraint in future builds of Canvas?