Viewing multiple discussion threads authored by each student

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Community Novice

As an instructor, is it possible to view all of a student's discussion submissions (their original + their replies to other students) in 1 location?  For instance, could I view a student's original + 2 reply discussion threads in all one place so that I can grade them?  (And not have to read all individually and have to keep track of how many discussion threads each student has submitted?)

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Depending on the situation, there are several possible answers to this question.
If you are looking to view a student's original reply and the additional comments that they made to the SAME discussion in the course and it is a graded discussion, the SpeedGrader will show you this. SpeedGrader will show you all of a student's contributions to a particular discussion at once.

How do I grade a graded discussion in SpeedGrader? 

If you are looking to view a student's contributions to various discussions and the Canvas instance that you are on does not have User Profiles enabled, then you can see a record of a student's participation in course discussions in the Recent Messages section of the User Details page for the student in the course.

How do I view user details for an enrollment in a course? 

Finally, you can also use the search bar in an individual discussion to see a particular student's contributions.

How do I view and sort discussion replies as an instructor? 

How do I view and sort discussion replies in Discussions Redesign as an instructor? 

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