Using Google Assignments

Community Member

Our district still has the "Google Doc Cloud Assignments" turned on. I have turned on and I am testing the new "Google Assignments LTI" since I heard that the "old" Google Doc Cloud will be going away eventually. Here is an issue I keep having. I create a Google Slide or Doc template in my drive and then create a Canvas assignment using the "Google Assignments LTI". It is supposed to create a copy for each student so they can edit and submit. When the student clicks on the assignment and opens the Slide or Doc, it has created TWO copies in their Drive. The two copies are not linked. When the student changes one, the other stays the same.  They can edit and submit, but it's going to get very confusing if there are multiple copies of each assignment that is created using Google Assignments. Anybody else seeing this or have a solution? Also, is the Google Doc Cloud Assignment still going away soon? Thanks.