Using Buttons to access Modules and/or pages

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I am trying to be creative with my canvas course and add buttons to make it easier for students to access information.

Is there a way of only linking one module per button?

Each time I try and link a module it shows all the other published modules in the canvas course.

Or do I have to create another page with buttons that link to individual pages?

Keen to see if I can resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

@SarahHemmings  I know that you are reading my initial response and thinking, "Well, that doesn't quite answer my question." So, let me explain how to link the buttons to individual modules.

Let's say your course has 15 weekly modules, so you have created 15 buttons for your Home Page. Now, for example, to link the Week 5 Button to the Week 5 Module, do this:

  1. In the "edit" mode, click on the button and then "Insert Link" and choose "Course Link."
  2. On the right, you'll see the pop-up menu. Click on the > symbol next to Modules, and then choose the Week 5 Module.
  3. Finally, click on "Save."

Now, here are some caveats:

  • If the semester is just starting and the Week 5 Module is unpublished, the students will see a padlock and the words "Access Denied" if they click on that button. I suppose that you could wait until Week 5 begins to create the link.
  • Alternatively, you could publish just the Week 5 Module, but make all of the contents "unpublished" until the beginning of Week 5. (That will involve clicking on each item individually.) Your students, though, might wonder why the Week 5 Module is devoid of content.

Some instructors just have one button that says "This Week's Module," and then they change the link every week. To me, that's extra work.

So, my advice is to experiment a bit. Click on the Student View to see what your students are going to experience. Maybe, just save all of your creativity and hard work for the actual content in your pages and assignments.

I've taken a lot of professional development courses on Canvas, and while the buttons can look nice, they really don't add much at all to my overall experience as a student in those courses.



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