Transfer Student Work to another course without losing student progress.

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Our district creates 1st semester and 2 semester courses for each teacher.

At the beginning of 2nd each student is rerostered into their new courses.

However, some teachers teach whole year courses.

One teacher has created an ongoing project within Canvas that will continue into 2nd semester.

Is there a way to export/import that assignment with the students' already created progress into the 2nd semester course?

I know that you can export/import grades and assignments. Can you export students progress/work within a given assignment?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


I'm afraid that it's not possible to transfer a student's work/progress from one course to another.  The closest thing you might be able to do is to download all assignment submissions for a given assignment, then--if your school that the "Submit on behalf of..." feature enabled--manually re-submit each submission on behalf of each student and re-enter the grade.

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