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I am a professor attempting to integrate a textbook from Cengage into Canvas. I am unable to find specific instructions for this. I would appreciate any direction I can get!

Thank you!


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Hello @MariaCoatney ...

It's been a couple years since I have done anything with Cengage, so I don't know if anything has changed since then.  However, Cengage Learning does have a third-party LTI external app that integrates with Canvas.  Usually, this kind of app needs to be configured at the Canvas account level rather than at the course level.  This way, other instructors at your school who might also use Cengage textbooks would also have the opportunity to use the integration in their courses with their own textbooks.  You'd want to have a conversation with your school's Canvas administrator (or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team) so that you can get this set up.  There is a page on the EduAppCenter for Cengage Learning that has some sort-of helpful information, but there are also a handful of other Cengage websites that have more helpful information:

Hopefully this is enough to get you started...as these were just sites I found searching Google.  Good luck as you have these conversations with folks at your school to get things set up.

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