Students were able to submit assignment in "locked" module

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I recently required that students have a passing grade on "Assignment 1" in order to unlock "Module 2", which contained "Assignment 2". To do that, I set the completion requirements for Module 1 to be a passing score on Assignment 1. And then completion of Module 1 was a pre-req to get into Module 2.

However, I'm seeing students who had a zero on Assignment 1 were still able to submit Assignment 2. I also see that in student view, I can access the module that should be locked, even though Test Student has a score of zero on the pre-req assignment.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting this? Or work-arounds?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @lfrigo,

When you set up your module completion and prereq requirements, you should have seen a window pop up asking if you wanted to re-lock modules.  Did you see that popup and choose the re-lock option from it?  I'm wondering if you perhaps just hit continue instead of choosing to re-lock.  One other thing I recall can affect this is if a student had a passing score on assignment 1, which would have unlocked module 2 for them, but then the score was changed to be lower than passing.  I believe in that scenario, the modules are not re-locked for the student.

Let us know is anything I said above might explain what you're seeing!


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