Module not moving into my course

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Hi all, I am trying to move a module from a previous term into my current course. I can get the module from the previous course into my account- I see 13 modules I have moved in that area. But then, I can’t get the modules to flow into my current course from that space. I have started the import a million times and it says it starts successfully, but never finishes. I have been able to do this successfully in the past, but am running out of time and patience:). Anything I should try?



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @deniser,

I'm a little confused by the terminology in your post, so I'm hoping you can clarify.  When you say "I can get the module from the previous course into my account- I see 13 modules I have moved in that area," what exactly do you mean?  Modules in Canvas are tied to courses, not user accounts, so I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're seeing here.  If you could provide additional info on this, that would be great!

You did also mention imports, which in my head would be one way to get modules form one course to another.  If your imports are getting stuck for some reason, that would be something I'd recommend contacting Canvas support about so they can look at the details and see what could be causing the import to hang unexpectedly and hopefully fix.  The Canvas community is generally made up of other Canvas users, so we're unable to se your exact course/account details, so it can be difficult to troubleshoot some issues like this here, but I think support will have much more access and ability to help you out with this.


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