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I have too many assignments in my 'assignment' tab and they will not load and my tab freezes, I am trying to delete them. Any suggestions without resetting the course?

  • 3 Replies

I created a new quiz and published it, but I can't find it on the column of the grade page.  I was able to locate this quiz from the student view, and it shows on the TO DO list.  How come I can't find it in the grade book?  Could you give me an advi...

  • 1 Replies

Hello I am getting an outstanding amount of emails from ResLife I was wondering is there a way to mute this or to remove it completely? I am not even in UK, so most of the emails are useless and getting in the way of the important emails that I need ...

  • 1 Replies

One assignment group is not showing assignments or total percentage in gradebook. I have published everything. All other groups are showing total percentages except science. When I go to assignments, the group is called science and the assignments ar...

  • 1 Replies

what does it mean when I see: "system details captured"? Does this mean my student is taking a screen shot of a page of the quiz?

  • 4 Replies

Looking for a syllabus that notes estimated completion time for each module. I'm looking to get some Professional Development credit for this course, but they are looking for a syllabus with estimated time to complete each module. Thanks.

  • 1 Replies

Hello,For the last few classes in this course, students are split into groups of two and present primary literature, while the other students in their class provide constructive criticism about their presentation. I am looking for a way to create an ...

  • 1 Replies

HI! I was doing a quiz for one of my classes and when the 10 second warning came up I closed the warning thinking I could still type out a sentence, but then it said my quiz was submitted. I just want to ask if my work was saved and submitted in that...

  • 1 Replies

Canvas has assigned 100 to every student in my class.  I have not graded any yet.What am I doing wrong?

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I'm an English professor who has recently discovered the joy of leaving video feedback for students on their essay assignments. It's a great way of taking the edge off of comments that might otherwise seem sharp when they arrive in written form. In t...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Shouldn't the "student view" button be available in more places on canvas? It wastes time to have to click on your course home every time you want to see something from the student perspective. Please add the "student view" button to the assignment d...

  • 7 Replies

Is in not possible to export a multiple dropdown quiz question? I've noticed that if I export a multiple choice question then it populates the .xml file, but if I try that with a multiple dropdown then the .xml file is basically empty (doesn't contai...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hi.  My teachers want to be able to assign a quiz to everyone except maybe the three students who were absent for the past three days and will not take the quiz. Is there a way to do this without choosing to assign to all 127 students (and leaving th...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there everyone - here is my scenario:Faculty have large classes and their time is limited to provide specific feedback. While we will have some class discussions, faculty are also not wanted to have so much discussions to sift through because agai...

  • 4 Replies

Our students, teachers, and parents have noticed something confusing about the enhancement timeline bar. If a student does not submit and it is marked as missing and then the teacher grades it for 0, the grade and missing icon are correct but the sub...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I have students who receive submission error or submission failure messages.  When they air drop the file to another device and log into their specific Canvas account they are able to submit successfully.  Both devices are on the same network, and th...

  • 1 Replies

My dashboard reminder list says there's a quiz in one of my classes that needs to be graded. This makes no sense for 2 reasons: 1. It's already graded via Speedgrader, so I shouldn't have to open and grade it at all, and 2. When I open it, the grade ...

  • 1 Replies

Can I mark a missing assignment as "Missing" (changing the color to pink/reddish and entering a grade of 0) for all students at once? If so, how? Can I mark all past-due assignments as "Missing" in a course at once? For my use, this is for the assign...

  • 1 Replies

When I create an Assignment title that will be synced to Powerschool it will not allow me to create a title longer than 31 characters. I asked the tech in my district why that is and they said it was a canvas restriction because in our Powerschool we...

  • 1 Replies

I've been using Speedgrader through the Canvas Teacher App on my iPad. My annotated comments have started floating away--they don't stay or appear where I put them. Even if I can find them somewhere else on the page, I can't move them to where I want...

  • 12 Replies

I really don’t know how to talk to my teacher

  • 1 Replies

I have 10 sections of 8th grade language arts classes...5 brick and mortar and 5 elearners...and each B&M has a blended elearner section....5 class period...all combined into one "course". 109 students.Speedgrader always worked great for the first 9 ...

  • 1 Replies

 Example:Test 25% of gradeAssignments 50% of gradeDiscussions  25 % Second Question:Where do I set up points  or  if I just want it to instructions worth  ( 0 ) ZERO POINTS Im finding in my grade book the instruction pages are wanting to make it wort...

  • 2 Replies

I created a Canvas quiz with both multiple choice and formula type questions.  When I generated an item analysis of the quiz, each of the multiple choice type questions give a break-down, but the formula type questions are labeled as "ungraded".  How...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hi All, question here that might not be a Canvas specific. Has anybody got any favoured approaches for annotating students submitted pdfs with stylus inking, and then resaving as a pdf that students can use? We're finding that doing it in Edge someti...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Hi all,I am looking at building a New Quiz test and after trialling it in my sandbox, I noticed that there isn't a 'preview' your answers option before the student selects final submission... unless I am missing something.There is a warning box askin...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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As the title suggests, is there a way to add a new member to a canvas collaboration and have the email notification/invitation only to go the new member and not everyone in the collaboration list?   Thanks!

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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How do I assign different assignment group rules for different grading periods?  If I change the drop rules for the beginning of the 2nd grading period, it changes the grades in the first grading period also.I don't want to start dropping assignments...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I created an assignment in a current course called HW2 Short Story and created a rubric to match.  Last night, I opened a previous course to copy an assignment I had made there and I wanted to use in this current course. After the Copy Content was fi...

  • 1 Replies

Hello I was wondering if anyone can help with this. In an odd case, you have students with the same name in a course. Setting up indiviual assignments for students with the same name can be tricky, would it be possible to set up assignments using stu...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies