Students can't see assignment descriptions when locked

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Is there a way for students to see assignments in Canvas when they are locked?  I have locked assignments to prevent students from submitting before the week they are due, but students are now not able to see the assignment description in Cnavas until I unlock the assignments.  Is there a way for me to allow students to see the assignment in Canvas when the assignment is locked for submissions?

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3 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PhillipLuck ,

Thank you for posting on the Instructure Community!

When the assignment is locked, you are prohibiting students from viewing the full assignment, which includes but is not necessarily limited to, the descriptions, submit button, etc. That being said, in most instances, students will not be able to access any information for that assignment unless it is unlocked. However, you mentioned that your students are wanting to see the information before submitting. Something you can do is change the Submission type to 'No Submission' in your assignment's settings, and then when you are ready to have them start submitting you can change the submission type back to what you wish for it to be. This will allow students to see the information but will not have any option to submit the assignment yet.

I hope this helps!

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@paul_fynn I just did some testing because I was curious about this, and it appears that within our instance students are not able to see the content within the assignment except the title of it until the unlock date. It presents students with a message that says "This assignment is locked until: (date/time)". After the assignment is locked, the same message appears, however it says "This assignment was locked on: (date/time)", and students are only able to see their assignment submissions and comments, however they are unable to view the content themselves.

This could vary based off of institution to institution, based off of how things are set-up, however this is what our school has it set up as. We are primarily using the browser, at least during the school day. Students generally use the app for when they're not in school, and they're checking announcements or grades, or the like. Students for the most part will not use their mobile devices during the school day to complete assignments.

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@PhillipLuck Absolutely, and with the free for teacher edition of canvas, generally it will act the same way as I described. While my school district does pay for Canvas, I'm also a user of free for teacher as well, and that's generally how it behaves when I lock assignments, too.

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