
Phillip Luck
Community Explorer
Nov 10, 2023 9:06:54 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thanks all! I should have mentioned that I am using the "free" version of Canvas, so that may have something to do with it as well. Students are accessing Canvas through a web browser. 
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Chris, This answered my question. As you said, I had to create the group first and then the group set. Thanks for the explanation! Have a great Labor Day weekend! Phillip
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Nevermind Chris...I figured it out. I should have created the rubric within the assignment. Also, I couldn't see it because I had the assignments and rubrics hidden from students, and I'm stil...
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Is there a way for students to see assignments in Canvas when they are locked?  I have locked assignments to prevent students from submitting before the week they are due, but students are now not abl...
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Chris, I am and have been using the free version of Canvas. Below are the different sections that I was able to see in the People tab last semester. Each of the tabs (Fulton Cohort, Online 1 and Onlin...
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Thanks all! I should have mentioned that I am using the "free" version of Canvas, so that may have something to do with it as well. Students are accessing Canvas through a web browser. 
Sep 05, 2024 12:31 PM
Is there a way for students to see assignments in Canvas when they are locked?  I have locked assignments to prevent students from submitting before the week they are due, but students are now not abl...
Sep 05, 2024 05:48 AM
Chris, This answered my question. As you said, I had to create the group first and then the group set. Thanks for the explanation! Have a great Labor Day weekend! Phillip
Aug 31, 2024 06:19 AM
Chris, I am and have been using the free version of Canvas. Below are the different sections that I was able to see in the People tab last semester. Each of the tabs (Fulton Cohort, Online 1 and Onlin...
Aug 30, 2024 11:30 AM
Hello Chris, Yes, that was my issue. Thanks! However, I'm still unable to see my created "sections" in the People tab in Canvas. All I see is a "Groups" tab, not my individual sect...
Aug 30, 2024 09:46 AM

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