Speedgrader - Moving Between Students

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I'm trying to determine if there is an easier way to do what I am doing. When I grade assignments in large lecture classes, I often want to get a jump on grading by banging out the ones submitted early. However, after you grade one student, you have to go back to the list of students and scroll until you find the next student who submitted the assignment.  


Is there a setting that will make Speedgrader go to the next available submitted assignment instead of scrolling through all students alphabetically?





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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@AnthonyZocc This is a good question. There is a settings wheel at the top left in SpeedGrader. You can click it to open Options then change how students are sorted. Sorting by date submitted should put all of the students without submissions at the bottom.

How do I sort the student list in SpeedGrader? 

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