Searching for students within a period

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Community Novice

Before this year I was able to use a filter to restrict the student search results in the gradebook.

For example, if I am putting grades in for 5th period I could activate that filter and when I search for a student the only suggestions that would appear would be those in my 5th period section.

Is this not a thing anymore?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SheldonSmith1,

There was an update to Canvas last year that moved a few things around, and i believe this was one of them.  You can view the  How do I filter columns and rows in the Gradebook? - Instructure Community - 1016  guide for the current way to filter the gradebook by section.  I think it's a click or two more than the previous way, but it's definitely still available!

Hope this helps!


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