Review grade averages by marker in a large subject

Community Participant

Hello. I'm looking for a solution or advice for the following scenario:

The Canvas course has 1900 students. They are in 46 tutorial sections, and there are 18 tutors, with each taking 2 to 4 tutorials.

I want to be able to review how tutors are marking on a regular basis to spot outliers or other problems. None of my usual processes scale up to such large numbers without creating a lot of extra work.

Gradebook preset filters only allow me to save one section per filter so I'd have to set these up every time I wanted to review grades.

Gradebook export has the same problem as using filters; the set-up time each time.

Gradebook history allows me to filter by tutor and assessment but the table can't be exported and there are too many students to easily scan.

New Analytics course grade would be great as it includes averages per assignment but I can only compare 2 sections at a time (why?). Downloading teh csv didn't help as tutorial information is missing.

Has anyone a clever way to get this information quickly and easily?


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