Quiz Availability Time Issue

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I am using the free version and have been using canvas for a couple weeks now and the availability times haven't been working for me. For example, I am giving a test today and set it to open at 12:40pm EST (which is what I have my settings to), but it didn't open for the students. On the quiz it lists local time and course time, so I tried to adjust it to the course time (which is in MST) but that didn't work either. I would like to set it so that there are specific open and close times, but so far my troubleshooting steps haven't worked. Any help is greatly appreciated. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @SarahTolvtvar ...

Just to make sure ... within your course "Settings" page, do you have your time zone set correctly along with the start and end dates/times you want the course to be available to your students?  Also, when you go to your own "Account" >> "Settings" page, is your time zone set correctly?

From a student perspective, your students will have to adjust their own time zone setting via "Account" >> "Settings" ... in the event that you have a student living in a different time zone than you.  This should help students know when the quiz would be available for them in their own time zone.

Hope this helps a bit. Keep us posted here in the Community...thanks!

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