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Hi, While using an access token belonging to a student profile I tried out the submit assignment API. POST /api/v1/courses/{courseId}/assignments/{assignmentId}/submissions The response for the API is  {     "status": "unauthorized",     "errors": ...

  • 3 Replies

One of my students used a Microsoft Word file for an assignment. When I open speedgrader it is 11 pages. The file she turned in is only 9. When I download her assignment I get 9 pages aswell but in speedgrader it is 11.  What happened and how do I fi...

  • 2 Replies

I'm checking out the New Analytics function on my course and when I look at page views it seems to be counting every individual element on a page (as in each image) as a page view, which, given the number of elements on a page, is inflating the views...

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Hi team, When importing content from archived/concluded courses (or any I assume) which has modules and pages with hard links to quizzes/discussions etc, the new course will retain that hard link, which points back to the original course (the source ...

  • 2 Replies

I am a student with a graduate student instructor. My grade was changed and my instructor denied that it has. I unfortunately do not have any pictures of my old grade on my end, so I was hoping that my claims could be substantiated by the gradebook h...

  • 2 Replies

Hello. I am trying to export a course from one instance of Canvas to another. FYI: I am (unfortunately) the Canvas admin and I cannot "Copy a Canvas Course" because there are different logins for the different instances. So ... I opened the first ins...

  • 3 Replies

Hi!I posted and set up lock date for weekly scheduled discussion post. This was the week of Thanksgiving. The following week I opened the discussion board to grades the posts but no one had posted. I then decided to unlock to allow time for comments ...

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Canvas does not allow a rubric to be attached to an external tool for some unknown reason, so as I researched 52 youtube videos later, it seemed that I could create the assignment with another label like "online". After I made the assignment with the...

  • 6 Replies

Since I wish I had access to something like this when I started Gameifying my class, I thought I'd map out what I'm doing in my World Lit class for anyone who is interested in seeing how Gameification can work and the challenges I overcame incorporat...

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I'd like to print out quizzes for students who need the paper copy as a support.When I've tried - it shows the correct answer.   Any thoughts?

  • 1 Replies

Like many American instructors, I have students participate in a Canvas discussion by having them create an initial post early in the week, and then have them reply to their fellow students by the end of the week. However, I only see one place for a ...

  • 1 Replies

I have been using new quizzes this year as this is my first year with Canvas (I switched school districts). More and more students are having the issue in using the app that during a test (done in new quizzes on the iPad) they lose function of their ...

  • 2 Replies

I just followed the instructions to copy an announcement to other courses. However, the announcement doesn't show up in students' "to do" lists – at least not in my student view. How will students know this announcement has been posted?

  • 1 Replies

For the new quizzes (not the old ones), it won't count on participation? I know this because I see students completing them in the gradebook, but it still shows a ZERO in the participation field. How do I fix this?

  • 3 Replies

We are planning to set up program-level outcomes that can be linked into MC questions in question banks. I would like clarification on whether the MC question's point values must match the mastery point value of the outcomes.Past information (includi...

  • 2 Replies

This is a recent issue I haven't had before...I open a file located in the "Modules" section of Canvas, for example, an article, then I click on the "Download...."  I go to my dowloaded files and they are all named "True-#. html" once I click on one ...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Everyone,We're working to enhance our data collection by adding some additional information to our API queries but I'm having difficulties finding it. Specifically we're looking for a students current grade and score. I did find a reference to the...

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For a specific turnitin assignment, several students in this teacher's class are not getting the option of Cloud Submission on is grayed out. It has the same settings as other turnitin assignments where students aren't getting this erro...

  • 3 Replies

Hi All,Is there a way to add 2 email into 1 User account in Canvas? I would like to update all 30,000 existing users by using SIS or .CSV file ?Thanks

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Canvas Question Forum
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In Google Classroom, you could create an assignment that was 'unscored' and did not require total points to be added. Is there a way to create an assignment in Canvas using the new external tool Google Assignment LTI 1.3 that does not require points?...

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Institutions using iBoss as their Content filter, may experience apparently random "missing images" in Quizzes after they upgrade to Gen 4 or 5.  This appears to be caused by the new URL format string used by CANVAS for their *

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Is there a way to resize embedded media (iframes) without going into the HTML? I used to be able to get a Properties box, or just drag the corners to resize. Bonus points if it retains the h/w proportions!

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I have scheduled events on our calendar and have clicked off the section every student should be in (the section that supposedly the entire campus is assigned to), however half my campus cannot see it.Is there a way to see what sections/tags a st...

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Hi all,I am new to this roll and need some help. I have an instructor that has cross listed two sections of a class. Both sections have students enroll however when he cross listed them the child section does not show any enrollment. Suggestions?Than...

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Hello ,We installed on AWS via Bitnami.We Have Made The Necessary E-Mail Settings But We Cannot Receive E-Mail In Any Way

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For example: I have a new exam file that I don't want students to see until it's time for the exam to begin. As I understand it, the moment it's uploaded students receive a notification there's a new file which they can then access. And there's no wa...

  • 4 Replies

Is it possible to publish only the comments, but not the grade? I'd love to give feedback to my students, but not let them know the grade for each task. I tried hiding the grades, but that way the comments don't appear. 

  • 1 Replies

Hi My students have an urgent assignment to do within a limited time span. I published it with availability from 8am to 11pm December 2020. However, it keeps on saying the assignment is locked. I tried to edit it several times but I still get the sam...

  • 1 Replies

Two ways to get there:First:Go into Lesson Plans.  Find a module.  Pick an assignment.  Open the assignment.  Edit the assignment.  There is a radio button that can be toggled on/off for the option "Include this assignment's grades when syncing to yo...

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Dear AllOne benefit of FORMULA quizzes is while they are configurable, you can also put them in a question group- for example, 5 different questions in a question group and pick randomly 5 out of 5. That will lead to different sequences for different...

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