Quick Check Tool

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How do I get the Quick Checks tool for my canvas classes? Is it an LTI that can be added?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @RStroup15 ...

By chance, are you asking about the Quick Checks feature described here?

Quick Checks: [New] DesignPLUS User Guide (instructure.com)

If so, these Quick Checks are part of a paid product that integrates with Canvas called DesignPLUS (by Cidi Labs).  I am not sure if Stephenville Independent School District has purchased this product to integrate with their Canvas environment.  You'd need to reach out to their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to find out if you have DesignPLUS or not.

If I've totally missed the boat on your question, can you please provide some more details/information so that we can try and help you out?


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