Navigating between module pages and the main module

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Hello! New user here with a instructor role question:

Is an easy way to navigate 'back' from an individual page inside a module, to the module itself?

There appears to be no breadcrumb trail, and, the only way to return is by selecting 'Modules' from the menu on the left. However, this loads the Module page from the top, meaning I then need to scroll down to the Module I was already in.

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2 Solutions
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Hi @RachaelMcGrath ,

I don't think there is a native Canvas feature for this action.

If you are designing the course for others to use, you can create a button that returns the user to the current Module. You can use the icon creator in the RCE or make your own button or use text as the link. When you use the link creation tool, select "Course Link" and then open the Modules section on the menu that appears. Select the specific Module you want the user to return to. That will create a link to the specific Module. I think you can then copy your button and paste it on all the pages in the Module so that you don't have to repeat the whole process each time.

I looked for a Canvas guide to help explain this process but couldn't find one. Maybe someone else will have a better resource for this process.

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi @RachaelMcGrath - The suggestion @TrishaMeyer1 shared is what I would recommend too. When I was an instructor using Canvas LMS, I added a small button and added it to the bottom of every item in a module. That button would route back to the top of the Module. (Be sure to use the RCE for this so the link stays intact if you ever copy the course.) The students that I worked with really appreciated having the option to jump back to the module. While it took a little time to set up, I know it saved them even more time throughout the semester.

A true breadcrumb trail for modules has been requested by several Community members, and it is aligned with a theme. Here it is for reference:  [Modules] Accurate Breadcrumb Trail in Modules 

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