My reply disappeared I'm sad

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Community Novice

I left the page and my reply on a post disappeared I think its gone forever but I don't want to believe that because I spent over an hour writing it. If anyone knows anything I can do that would be very helpful!

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @BellaLevine,

The Canvas "rich text editor" (the place where you type responses) should auto-save your content for a while, so if you do back to the same place the content should come back.  Discussions are a big unique though in that you could be replying back to different people and technically getting a different textbox, so maybe the saving doesn't work quite as well in that area.  Unfortunately, if you don't see a prompt to re-load your content, you're unlikely to be able to recover it at this point.


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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @BellaLevine ...

I am sorry to read that you lost your text that you had been typing.  I totally agree with @chriscas on this one.  I wanted to provide you with a Guide that also describes how the auto-save feature should work within the RCE (Rich Content Editor).

How do I add and modify text in the Rich Content Editor as a student?

Scroll about three-quarters of the way down the page, and you'll find a section on "View Auto-Saved Content" and "Load Auto-Saved Content".

I would also add that if you plan on typing a lot of text as part of a discussion topic reply, you might want to consider typing that "offline" using something like Microsoft Word and then pasting that text into your response in your course.  That way, you will still have a copy of it if the text gets you described.

Hopefully this extra bit of info will also be of help to you.  Good luck!

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