Muted assignment but comments in rubric shows

Community Novice

I might need to ask a favor from our Canvas genus-group.

I've asked by one of our faculty in our school that the comments in the rubric showed up to students, but not score even when the assignment itself was muted and hid  (students can use the rubric to calculate their scores which becomes an issue). Technically, when we mute it, students should unable to see scores and comments in the rubric. 

My co-workers and I looked into it and found one weird thing. In the overall view of the Grades, the assignment shows as muted and hid, but when you switch to Individual view, the assignment shows as unmuted. After that, I checked the mute assignment button in the individual view, it made no difference. Students are still able to the rubric. I wonder what kind of glitch it is, and any chance any of us has encountered this before?

I tried to replicate this issue in this instructor's course specifically in other assignments and in my sandbox as well but failed. I'm running out of ideas but lucky I have our community!

Thanks for any info!