For those who cross list course sections, how do you deal with conflicts in the grade export with your SIS?

Community Contributor

This is the first year that I allowed my teachers to cross list their course sections with parallel classes that they teach.  The course section number in the grade export at the account level is not matching the course section number in which they are enrolled in our SIS.  I upload the grades to our SIS portals on a weekly basis and it would take me more than an hour to review the data and edit it as necessary.  I am looking for creative ways to allow our teachers to continue cross listing their course sections AND prevent me from having to spend hours on end editing the data so it's accepted by our SIS.


I am curious what others have done and/or are doing because I cannot be the only one to experience this issue.  

I did contact Canvas Support and I was directed by L2 to reach out to my CSM about custom building the feature which I am sure will cost thousands of dollars.  



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