Missing tag did not automatically enter at end of day

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Community Novice

I have "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" checked for all my classes. Last night, the missing tag and score of 0 did not automatically enter at end of day for 4/5 of my classes for the assignment we did yesterday. It worked for 1/5 classes. This is the first time this has ever happened. I noticed yesterday that the assignment was listed under "Coming Up" for only the period where it worked (normally the assignment for every class is listed there) and thought that was also weird at the time. They all had the same assignment and it was all imported from the same seed course (some people call it a sandbox, just in case you don't know what I mean by seed course). 

I have also recently changed to auto syncing (it was recently turned on by my district). The auto sync happens before end of day (at 10 PM). I don't think that has anything to do with the problems, because I have had two other assignments similar to this one auto sync before this one and did not have this issue. 

I know I can manually enter the missing tag, but when you do that you also have to manually remove the missing tag (it does not turn into late by itself when a student turns the work in late). 

What could have cause the missing tag to not auto generate at the end of the day? 

1 Solution
Community Novice

Nevermind. I figured out the problem. 

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