Missing Assignment Status

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When I am missing a student assignment, I mark it as such.  Later, when I enter a grade for the late assignment, the missing status stays on the grade, even though there is a grade for it now.  It is confusing for the kids when they go to look for missing work.  Is there not a way to make this go away automatically, without me having to go into the clunky speed grader and remove it manually each time?


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1 Solution

Hi @JefferyPsota,

I'm pretty sure the "missing" only goes away automatically upon grading if it was automatically added by Canvas for an online assignment after the due date passed.  If you're manually adding the missing tag, I think you also need to remove it manually as well.  I can't say with certainty, but I have a feeling the thought process is not to have automation overwrite manual changes (and I know I've seen people here post scenarios where grades are entered but work is still missing).

I could be wrong about this, and if I am I'm sure someone else will jump in and let both of us know.


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