How could an instructor receive an immediate notification once all of one student's assignments are graded?

Community Member


An edge case if you're looking to brainstorm 🤔

The story

I'm the Canvas admin at a competency-based technical college, where students are self-paced in each Canvas course. For example:

  • Student A is in Module 1
  • Student B is in Module 10
  • Student C is in Module 3

Consider Student D. She is enrolled in a course with 10 lab assignments.

Student D (SD) completed the lab assignments out of order due to the availability of equipment in the lab. Her last remaining assignment is Lab 2.

SD's course ends on Friday. She submits Lab 2 on Friday afternoon.

Our instructor--naturally facing a flurry of other Friday submissions--grades Lab 2, but does not recognize that this is SD's final submission in the course. It is not clear to the instructor that they must now go to the SIS and manually complete the student in the course.

What I tried

  1. We have some software that could pull a report and send notifications from Canvas Data 2. However, the 4-hour-or-under data freshness would not work for our instructor in this case.
  2. I recommended a Canvas quiz with at least 1 course reflection essay question at the end of the course. Students would fill this out after submitting their final lab, notifying instructors to ensure the course is completed for the student. This still adds a little bit of time and the possibility for user error.

The question

Can you think of a more immediate way for an instructor to be notified (e.g., confetti, bullhorn) that Student D has submitted all their assignments in the course?

Thanks much!

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