Merging a lecture section and a lab section?

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I need to merge a lecture section and a lab section of the same course. As one might expect, the enrollment is the same in both sections.

I've read the "solutions" for cross-listing section, but they don't seem to apply in my case for the following reason: While I go to "Settings" and then "Sections", I don't see both sections, just the one I'm already in. So I don't have seem to have the option to cross-list the lecture section with the lab section.

Is there a "solution" to this type of merging or cross-listing?


2 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @TedJaenicke 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with cross-listing. It is very common for schools and  teachers to merge a lab and lecture course together into one Canvas shell. If you have the permissions to cross-list, you want to go to the course that will be "absorbed"  by the parent shell. Usually this would be a lab shell merged into the lecture shell. Go to  the course you want  to send to the parent course and go to settings and  then the sections tab. When you click on cross-list on the right it will ask you which class  you want to send it to. Choose the main course shell and cross-list. Then, when you go back to the main course and look at sections you should see both sections here. However, keep in mind that  this is best done  before students start completing work because when you  merge them, the content from the "child" course is going to be lost and only content from  the "parent" will remain. It is merely a matter of combining students and  sections only. If you need more assistance with this, you are welcome to contact Canvas support or your school or institution.


Here is the Canvas guide: 

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@TedJaenicke -

You definitely should be able to cross list the lab into the course.  You are missing one step in your attempt - from what you posted.

The course will be called the parent below and the lab the child

1) open the parent course up in a browser and make note of its course id number
2) open up the child course in a different window.
3) in the child course, click on settings
4) in settings options, select sections
5) in the sections display you should see the actual child course section listed.  Click on that link
on the page that shows up, the cross-list option is on the right side
6) Click on the cross-list link and where it shows, enter the parent course id - the course should show up
7) Click on cross list this course

If at step 5 you do not see the cross list option, then you need to talk to the Canvas admins at your institution.

I hope that helps


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