Lectures from Blackboard

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One thing I personally miss about Blackboard are the lectures that used to be on there. This semester, any lectures that looked similar to those were just the slide show and not interactive like they were previously. Is this something that you are working on changing? They were previously interactive and had options I could flip through where I could look at the words or transcript as the narrator was speaking. This was especially helpful since it is not always clear what the narrator is saying. In addition, when quoting a lecture as a resource, it would be much easier seeing as I could copy and paste what they were saying directly into my essay. I am someone who learns better from reading while listening to these lengthy lectures. I struggled during this semester grasping some concepts and had to listen to lectures over and over, writing copious amounts of notes when before I would listen one time and understand it. I am sure I am not alone when I say that the lectures from Blackboard were more helpful. Is any one else concerned with this? Also, is this something that is being worked on to transfer over from Blackboard?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team


Thanks for the question.  You'll have to address this to your instructor and school though.

An instructor can upload any kind of media they choose to Canvas, it sounds like your current teacher(s) are choosing to upload just the slides. 

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