Late Submission Policy and Practice Assignments Issue

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We have a number of quizzes, around 200, set up in a way that the highest grade gets reported and then a late submission policy takes place that gives them a zero if they submit it late. Our goal is to keep them open but marked late so that students can keep practicing after their grade is posted. Because of the grade policy, any late submission will receive a grade of zero even if a minute late, but because we had set it up to post the highest grade the student received, their prior attempt should remain the grade in the gradebook. However, this is not happening all of the times. Students grades are being overridden by zero when they use the quiz to practice. They are also being marked as late even though they had a attempt before the due date. Why are they changing to blue (late) from the practice attempts. Why is their grade being overridden from a practice attempt. We do not want to place the quiz in two parts in the course / assignment (one for grade, and one for practice) because it will duplicate hundreds of assignments in the gradebook. We thought the way we set it up would work, but it seems to not be functioning property. If they lets say got an 8 out of 10 in a prior attempt and got an 80%, but after the late policy they got a 10 out of 10 but they got a 0% in the assignment. Why is the 80% grade (submitted on time) being overridden to a 0% (submitted late) when we set it up to have unlimited attempts and set up to post only the highest grade (highest grade not most questions correct). The highest grade is not a 10 out of 10 worth 0% but a 8 out of 10 worth 80%. Can we not set it up this way? Please help. 

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2 Solutions
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That's a known issue (or bug).

The late policy applies to all assignments, even the non late ones.

See the following idea from 2019, that should be relevant:

One option may be to overwrite the grade using the API, but there doesn't seem to be a solution to this issue in the user interface.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Gabriel33,

Just to confirm what @Gabriel33 said, the How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the Gra... - Instructure Community - 965 guide does have a note that documents this as basically expected (but I would agree less than optimal) behavior:

When taking a multiple-attempt quiz, a student who makes a new attempt after the due date has passed will receive deductions on all attempts, including attempts made before the due date.


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