Is there a way to hide threaded replies in a graded discussion?

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Community Novice

I am having the students reply to a graded discussion.  I am also having the students respond to two student discussion replies.  I would like the students to see the replies to the graded discussion post (so they can select two to reply) but not see the threaded replies.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @nbrazil  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thank you for posting your question.  By nature, discussion topics and their replies are meant to be seen by the entire class.  So, there's no way to really hide replies in a topic.  However, there is a way to hide replies until a user posts a reply himself/herself.  Here's a Guide on how that works: How can I require students to reply to a course discussion before they see other replies?

I hope this will be of help to you. Please let Community members know if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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