How to use outcomes with CTE competencies?

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I am in Virginia and we have CTE competencies and our assignments are one of the ways that students are able to demonstrate their mastery.  Some courses have 80-100 competencies.  In the past we have been able to link more than one competency to an assignment.  

We have imported the competencies as Outcomes, but how do we link one/more of these outcomes to an individual assignment without having to build 100 rubrics?

Competencies 1-41 are the exact same for ALL CTE courses for the state of Virginia.  How can these become less redundant for each teacher?  Canvas is new to our district this year.  Chesapeake Public Schools.

Another thing is competency scores are separate from grades.  Competencies are scored 5,4,3,2,1 but we use percentage grades for assignments.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Each assignment can only have one rubric attached, but fortunately each rubric can have as many outcomes-as-criteria are needed. To answer your first and second questions, I would use blueprint or template courses. That way each teacher won't have to copy or import each assignment. Here are Canvas Guides documents to get you started with either of these options (I suggest one or the other):

I prefer templates and like to create one for each sub-account where I need specific content to be included in each course.

To keep competency scores separate from grades, there is a checkbox to exclude the outcome-as-criterion from counting toward the rubric score. That's an easy step to miss when adding an outcome as a rubric criterion, and Canvas will throw up a warning if the rubric is going to be used for assignment grading and the outcome's points make the rubric and assignment points possible differ.

There is a Canvas Guides document on how to align an outcome with a rubric, and embedded is an image showing the check box.

Find Outcomes dialog showing an outcome not being used for scoringFind Outcomes dialog showing an outcome not being used for scoring

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