How to prohibit student from seeing the answer to Quiz questions after completion

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Hi @RajendraTibrewa !

Thank you for posting on the Instructure Community!

This is a feature within Canvas, available to both free for teacher users as well as paid account users.

To prohibit students from seeing their test scores, regardless of it being a classic quiz or a new quizzes quiz, you can open the quiz settings and uncheck the box that allows students to see the questions after submission. There are also other options such as allowing them to see their grades, and which questions they got wrong (but not showing them the right answer).

Hope this helps, always reach out with any more questions or concerns! Happy to help.

- Noah


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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RajendraTibrewa!

To continue with what @NoahBoswell said, check out either of the guides below:


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