How to determine a student's last significant activity and on what assignment. Anything like this in "New Analytics"?

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For my failing students I need to enter a last day of participation in a course when I enter their failing grade.  There is in-class attendance and there are also online assignments.

I need an actual significant participation, not just a log in - but an actual assignment attempt or submission.

"Old" Analytics had a "View Submissions" graph for a student's last activity, and I could see the date, the assignment, and the score earned.

"New Analytics" has a graph on the "Course Grade" tab, but being unfamiliar with it I am finding it difficult to use and interpret.  It is really difficult to hunt for squares versus circles that are almost the same color.

And when I do find what appears to be the last submitted assignment and click to pull up its details it only gives the "Due Date" not any actual submission date. 

Also on the detail popup there is a "Last Activity in course" date but I find no way to find what that activity was.  And the date does not seem to correspond to the last submission I can find in the graph.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but the New Analytics seems to be a step backward from the "Old" Analytics.

Does anyone know where I can find a student's last significant participation in the course, with a specific submission date?  Knowing the assignment would also be helpful so I'll know if it counts as significant or not.

3 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @parmana ,

you will get different last activity dates depending where you look, and bear in mind that non-enrolled activity (eg to institutional access courses) will not be logged at course level (at this time). With a bit of fiddling I think you may be able to filter down to student level on the latest version of Admin Analytics.

My go to is People > student > click on student icon > click on "User Account Details". The participation column will indicate a tick (to the right of the timestamp) where the student interacted rather than viewed however keep in mind that not all LTIs or QTIs report participation back to Canvas ....

Overall it would be good to see a student specific view in Admin Analytics to allow student summaries for external audit purposes ....

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Hey @paul_fynn! If @parmana is an admin, they will have this ability, but not if they are an instructor.

What would probably be most helpful is the user's Access Report, which will let you see chronologically a student's recent activity in the course, and you will be looking specifically for what item most recently has a value in the Participations column. It may admittedly be a little off, because it will tell you how many times they participated and when they last viewed that item, not necessarily when they last participated with the item.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @parmana,

We configured the "online attendance" area of New Analytics to match our participation guidelines for this exact purpose.  Teachers can view the attendance tab of analytics and go back week by week looking for an attendance (participation) checkmark.  This is just looking for participation in different areas of Canvas, not connected to the attendance tool, so the name is a bit confusing.  You could talk to your school/institution Canvas admins to see if they could configure this for your Canvas instance as well.


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