How do I access archived courses and the content within the archived course?

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     I am a student attempting to access information from a few of my archived courses.

     I cannot access information uploaded to an archived course. Basically any assignment where I was required to submit a file such as a PDF or PNG cannot be accessed anymore(Though it is not limited to just PDFs or PNGs)

     Previous file submissions(which is what I am looking for) appear in the "Previously Uploaded" button when I start an assignment. Yet, when I click any documents uploaded to an inactive course, it will not load and I cannot access it. 

     I also wanted to access the archived course in order to view the files that were uploaded within these courses. I'm not sure why we're blocked from seeing them. What can I do? 

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2 Solutions
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You will need to check with your instructor and/or your school. The policy of my community college district is to restrict all access to Canvas courses once the semester is over and the final grades are in.

At many schools, a Canvas course is treated like a face-to-face class. When you are taking a face-to-face class. you are paying for a semester-long learning experience. When the new semester begins, you wouldn't be able to show up and keep attending the lectures. I always advise my students to save their work separately before they lose access.

Hopefully, you'll be able to obtain what you need through your past instructor who may still have access to the archived course. 

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Hi @CoolCanvasUser1,

Depending on the type of assignment, you might be able to find your file upload submissions by accessing your user files. The guide at How do I view my user files? - Instructure Community - 617227 should be able to help you with that.


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