How can I restore assignments that a teacher accidentally deleted?

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I am my school's Canvas admin.  A teacher accidentally deleted 29 assignments from a course.  He meant to delete only one but was distracted while in class with his students - separate discussion, so let's not go there.  If I am correct, there is a quick fix to restore accidentally deleted assignments.  Can someone please remind me what that is?  My other thought would be to go to the Beta site and access the assignments that way, but it would definitely be a more cumbersome activity.  Thank you in advance.  

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @rpsimon ,

Thank you for posting on the Instructure Community!

The teacher of the course can add /undelete to the end of the course URL when they’re on the home-page of the course. This will then bring up a menu of the assignments they deleted and they will be able to restore them.

Do understand that if these items were added to modules before they were deleted, they will not be added back to those modules and will need to be re-added manually.

Let us know if you have any additional questions. All the best!


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