How best to indicate a student has a cognitive medical profile to instructors?

Community Participant

Is there way or what is the best way to indicate a student has a medical issue (for example, due to a concussion sports injury) such that only the Canvas instructor or course director role can see only a generic w/o medical details indication of a problem?

We are thinking of appending a caduceus character each affected student's name, but this would likely make it visible to everyone.

The goal is to indicate to faculty when entering grades in the Canvas gradebook students who have a medical issue.

We have automated our SIS Imports enrollment sync.   We'd like a way to indicate a student has some medical issue in our SIS Imports users.csv file so that Canvas would be updated automatically as our SIS Imports users/courses/sections/enrollment batch job updates Canvas from our in-house Student Information System each day.

Thank you


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