Grading scheme seems to malfunction in quizzes

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Something weird is happening and I hope someone can help me out, for it is not the first time this has happened.


I have a new quiz, where students can get a maximum of 20 points. I added a grading scheme to this quiz. It turns percentages into a numerical grade between 1 and 10:


grading scheme.jpg

Now this happens again:

wrong grade.jpg

Based on the fact that this student scored 50%, she should get a 4.5, as shown above. Instead, Canvas rewards her with the maximum grade: a 10.


Why? Can anyone help me out as to why this keeps happening, not just in this particular quiz, but in other instances as wel? Is this something in the code behind Canvas?


Hope someone can help me out! Thanks in advance

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1 Solution

Hi @KarlijnvanA,

If you' like someone at Instructure to look at this, you'd need to contact Canvas support to create an official ticket (the community here is generally comprised of other users around the world, and is not an official way to get any Instructure employees to look at things).  With that being said, I have a pretty strong feeling the response you'll get is that things are functioning as documented and you're going into somewhat of a gray area with the numeric schemes.  You may need to create a feature idea to officially support numeric schemes, which could be a longer-term thing.

I hope this helps, even though it may not be what you had hoped to hear.


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